4 Common Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Won’t Turn On

July 15, 2020

4 Common Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Won't Turn On

Winter has now become a distant memory, and we have embraced the sweltering summer heat wholeheartedly. But could we do it without the efforts of our air conditioners? Not very easily! Air conditioners work all day to keep our homes and offices cool, breezy and comfy. They play a very vital role in our lives during the entire summer and not only prevent dehydration and heat strokes but also improve the air quality and reduce allergens from the air.

Unfortunately, it’s only the start of July, and we’re already hearing complaints from people about their A/Cs not turning on. Now, how frustrating must that be when you come from the unbearable heat outside, and find yourself tinkering with the power switch for hours and yet being unable to turn it on. So, what might be wrong with your A/C? To help you troubleshoot this problem, below are the top 4 reasons why your A/C won’t turn on.

Too Much Dirt And Dust

One of the reasons why your A/C won’t turn on is because it is poorly maintained. Air conditioners require regular maintenance and cleaning so the dirt, dust, and debris won’t accumulate in it. A/Cs work by filtering dusty and hot air through the air filters and then recirculating the clean and conditioned one back inside. During this process, the dirt can quickly collect in the A/C’s indoor and outdoor units.

If you haven’t cleaned your A/C in a long time, chances are that it is clogged with filth and is the reason behind the failure of your system. To fix this problem, get your A/C inspected and cleaned by an HVAC expert.

There’s A Problem In Your Home’s Wiring System

Your A/C might not be the only thing in your house that is not turning on. Sometimes, the home’s wiring systems can become damaged and broken and therefore result in loss of power with several items. To check this, try to turn on other appliances in your house. If they fail to turn on, then there could be a problem with your home’s electrical wiring.

The wires seldom get short-circuited and broken and may prevent power from being connected to your electrical equipment. To solve this issue, you’ll need to contact an HVAC technician.

Your A/C Is Old And Rusty

Problems with air conditioners become quite frequent when they start to get older. The components of the unit begin to deteriorate and break down, and if the A/C is not inspected regularly for such signs, you can end up with an old failing A/C.

Moreover, different parts of the unit age differently, this means if the system is facing a problem with a condenser fan motor, it doesn’t mean you’ll need to replace the whole unit with a new one. You only need to replace the motor, and your A/C will turn back on.

Once your A/C is over ten years old, the risk of equipment breakdown increases significantly. To avoid this, make sure you’re properly maintaining your unit or get it replaced if it shows alarming problems.

Your Circuit Breaker Has Tripped

As a safety measure, circuit breakers are supposed to get disconnected or trip off whenever there is an overload of electricity. This usually occurs when too many electrical appliances are being used, or there was a thunderstorm recently that caused the sudden shut down of the power, tripping the circuit. It can also happen if an old or heavy machine was using too much electricity.

To fix this problem, examine the circuit board properly, especially the breaker connected to the A/C. If the switch is tripped, reset it and then try to turn the A/C on. If the breaker trips again, then there might be another underlying problem. In this case, contact an air conditioner expert asap.

These are some of the most common causes of why your A/C might not be turning on. If you have any further questions regarding a failing air conditioning system, kindly visit our website www.norcanheatingandair.com or call us today at 780-851-4258.


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