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Top Signs You Need to Call an HVAC Contractor in Edmonton

Top Signs You Need to Call an HVAC Contractor in Edmonton

July 26, 2024

When it comes to maintaining a comfortable and safe environment in your Edmonton home, your HVAC system plays a crucial role. However, just like any other mechanical system, it requires regular maintenance and occasional repairs. Ignoring signs of HVAC problems can lead to higher utility bills, poor air quality, and even system failure. In this … Continue reading “Top Signs You Need to Call an HVAC Contractor in Edmonton”

Is Your Edmonton Home Suffering From Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Is Your Edmonton Home Suffering From Poor Indoor Air Quality?

July 18, 2024

Have you ever wondered why you feel more tired at home than anywhere else? Or why do those persistent headaches and respiratory issues seem to vanish when you step outside? The culprit might be poor indoor air quality. In Edmonton, where we spend significant time indoors, ensuring our home’s air quality is more important than … Continue reading “Is Your Edmonton Home Suffering From Poor Indoor Air Quality?”

DIY Vs. Professional HVAC Services In Edmonton: When To Call Nor-Can Heating & Air

DIY Vs. Professional HVAC Services In Edmonton: When To Call Nor-Can Heating & Air

July 4, 2024

In Edmonton, where temperatures can swing dramatically throughout the year, having a functional and efficient HVAC system is crucial. Many homeowners might consider tackling HVAC maintenance or repairs on their own, but understanding when to call in professionals like HVAC contractors is key to ensuring your system’s longevity and efficiency. This blog will explore the … Continue reading “DIY Vs. Professional HVAC Services In Edmonton: When To Call Nor-Can Heating & Air”

Why Summer Is The Best Time For Air Conditioner Installation In Edmonton

Why Summer Is The Best Time For Air Conditioner Installation In Edmonton

June 27, 2024

As the summer sun beats down, ensuring your home remains a comfortable oasis becomes a top priority. Having a reliable air conditioner is essential in Edmonton, where temperatures can soar during the warmer months. But have you ever considered why summer is the optimal time to install or upgrade your AC unit? From favourable weather … Continue reading “Why Summer Is The Best Time For Air Conditioner Installation In Edmonton”

Keeping Your Cool Mist-Free: Essential Humidifier Maintenance Tips For Summer

Keeping Your Cool Mist-Free: Essential Humidifier Maintenance Tips For Summer

June 20, 2024

Summer’s here, and while you might be thinking about air conditioning, don’t forget your humidifier! Proper humidifier maintenance is essential to keeping your home comfortable and your air quality high. However, like any appliance, humidifiers require regular maintenance to function at their best. Neglecting maintenance can lead to inefficiencies, health risks, and even damage to … Continue reading “Keeping Your Cool Mist-Free: Essential Humidifier Maintenance Tips For Summer”

Why Is My AC Blowing Warm Air?

Why Is My AC Blowing Warm Air?

June 16, 2024

As temperatures rise, the last thing you want is for your air conditioner to start blowing warm air. It’s a frustrating and uncomfortable situation, especially during the peak of summer. This blog post will explain what common malfunctions can cause your air conditioner to blow warm air and what steps you can take to troubleshoot … Continue reading “Why Is My AC Blowing Warm Air?”

Edmonton Summertime Allergies? How Your HVAC System Can Help

Edmonton Summertime Allergies? How Your HVAC System Can Help

June 6, 2024

Ah, summertime in Edmonton! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming. But for many of us, along with the joys of summer come the dreaded allergies. Sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose – sound familiar? If you’re one of the many Edmontonians who suffer from summertime allergies, you’re not alone. … Continue reading “Edmonton Summertime Allergies? How Your HVAC System Can Help”

Why Regular Filter Replacement Is Crucial For Your Air Conditioner

Why Regular Filter Replacement Is Crucial For Your Air Conditioner

May 24, 2024

Keeping your air conditioner running smoothly in Edmonton is essential, especially with our unpredictable weather. One key maintenance task often overlooked is regularly replacing your air filter. HVAC contractors in Edmonton emphasize this simple yet crucial step for good reason. In this article, we’ll explore why regular filter replacement is essential for your air conditioner’s … Continue reading “Why Regular Filter Replacement Is Crucial For Your Air Conditioner”

Is Your Edmonton Home Ready For Summer? A Pre-Season HVAC Checklist

Is Your Edmonton Home Ready For Summer? A Pre-Season HVAC Checklist

May 16, 2024

As the weather warms up and summer approaches, ensuring that your Edmonton home is ready for the heat is essential. Your HVAC system plays a crucial role in keeping your home cool and comfortable during the summer months, but is it ready for the increased demand? With temperatures rising, now is the perfect time to … Continue reading “Is Your Edmonton Home Ready For Summer? A Pre-Season HVAC Checklist”

Expert Tips For Efficient Air Conditioner Installation In Edmonton’s Climate

Expert Tips For Efficient Air Conditioner Installation In Edmonton’s Climate

May 9, 2024

Installing an air conditioner in Edmonton’s climate isn’t just about picking the right model and placing it in your home. It’s a meticulous process that requires careful planning and execution to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. In Edmonton’s climate, where temperatures can fluctuate dramatically throughout the year, having a properly installed air conditioner is essential … Continue reading “Expert Tips For Efficient Air Conditioner Installation In Edmonton’s Climate”

5 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Is Leaking And How To Stop It

5 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Is Leaking And How To Stop It

May 3, 2024

Are you facing a frustrating puddle under your air conditioner? It might be time to call expert HVAC contractors in Edmonton for air conditioning repair service. Leaking air conditioners are a nuisance and a sign of underlying issues that need attention. In this article, we’ll explore five common reasons your air conditioner might leak and … Continue reading “5 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Is Leaking And How To Stop It”

Is Your Humidifier Making You Sick? Tips For Proper Humidifier Repair

Is Your Humidifier Making You Sick? Tips For Proper Humidifier Repair

April 26, 2024

Do you ever find yourself waking up in the morning with a scratchy throat or feeling like your skin is drier than usual? If so, your humidifier might be to blame. While these devices are meant to improve indoor air quality and enhance comfort, they can sometimes become breeding grounds for mould, bacteria, and other … Continue reading “Is Your Humidifier Making You Sick? Tips For Proper Humidifier Repair”


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