Common Heat Pump Problems And How To Fix Them

February 7, 2020

Common Heat Pump Problems And How To Fix Them

Like all other HVAC appliances, heat pumps can fail to produce the optimum level of heating, especially when the temperature dips below the normal. If you live in cities like Edmonton, you need to be prepared to handle HVAC issues. There is a range of heat pump issues that can affect your indoor comfort. Maybe your heat pump is too old to produce enough warmth.

Even a minor issue can cause your heat pump to either stop working or working properly. You should have some basic understanding of what can go wrong with your HVAC systems and what you can do to address the problem. The following are some of the common heat pump problems and what you can do to fix these issues:

Heat Pump Not Turning On

If you’re unable to turn your heat pump on, it’s likely to be caused by a few major problems:

Thermostat issues: the programmable thermostat on your heat pump should be inspected first. Your thermostat might be reading the temperature incorrectly due to miscalibration or an electric problem. If you think there is something wrong with the thermostat, or you’re unable to determine the problem, call a professional who can service or replace the thermostat in order to resolve the problem.

Broken starter capacitor: Another problem that can stop your heat pump from functioning properly is a broken starter capacitor. Take a moment to listen if there is a faint clicking noise when you turn on the system. If there is an unusual noise, something could be wrong with the starter capacitor. The component is supposed to transmit the electrical charge that turns on the motor. A reliable HVAC professional will be able to fix the starter.

Power loss: a tripped breaker can also be the root cause. Breakers must be in the correct position to function properly. If your system experiences power loss consistently, it could be a sign of some major electrical problems. A heat pump expert would be able to fix this problem with ease and speed.

Broken reversing valve: The function of the reversing valve is to enable the heat pump to work as both an air conditioner and a heater by reversing the direction of refrigerants. If your heat pump works well when producing cool air but doesn’t work when in heating mode, the reversing valve could be broken and need to be replaced.

You’re likely to face these problems if your heat pump is left unused for a considerable period of time. Ideally, you should have your heating systems properly maintained before the winter arrives. All you have to do is call a professional HVAC company and let them inspect, repair and maintain all of your heating and cooling appliances from air conditioners to heat pumps and furnaces. In Edmonton, Nor-Can Heating & Air is a leading HVAC company that provides consistently high-quality services. From small repairs to installation, we’ll be happy to take care of your HVAC systems. Contact us for more details!


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