Tricks And Tips To Improve The Lifespan Of Your Furnace

March 31, 2022

Tricks And Tips To Improve The Lifespan Of Your Furnace

Whether it is in the shape of a bonus at work or a buy-one-get-one offer at your favourite shopping mall, earning something extra is always a pleasure. However, if you think a bit wisely and follow a few tricks, you can enjoy this ‘extra’ in almost every aspect of your life. The same applies to the components of your HVAC system although in a slightly different manner.

After all, attaining something extra does not always mean you need to beget an extra item. It could be in the form of extended usage of a particular thing.

Due to our reputation as the most reliable and reputable HVAC contractors across Edmonton, homeowners often ask us for advice regarding how to extend the lifespan of their furnaces, ACs, water heaters, and other HVAC components. We thought that while explaining the tips mentioned herein individually to our clients is indeed beneficial, it only reaches a minimum number of people.

Hence, we have decided to dedicate an exclusive blog to the subject so that the information we share reaches and benefits a large mass. Resultantly, for the purpose of this blog, we shall reveal a few tricks and tips to improve the lifespan of your furnace.

How To Prolong The Life Of Your Furnace

Unquestionably, installing a furnace is a huge investment. Hence, none of us want to incur such costs earlier than we should. Contrarily, we would be more than happy to replace the furnace a few years later than expected. However, no benefit comes for free. While some privileges require money, others demand devotion and attention.

So let: us explain how some devotion and vigilance can save you thousands of dollars.

1. Make Regular Inspection And Maintenance A Habit

Being self-sufficient is a wonderful thing but the truth remains that you are not an expert in everything. At least not in the technical aspects of various components of your house. Hence, never try to demonstrate your expertise on your furnace.

Instead, request professional furnace maintenance services from a reliable company. The latter will result in timely detection and control of issues in their initial stages before they become a major concern. If left unattended, these issues may result in severe damage to your furnace which ultimately will lead to early replacements (as discussed later).

Thus, we advise that you let a professional HVAC contractor carry out regular maintenance and inspection of your furnace.

2. Clean And Repair Air Filters As Needed

Malfunctioning and dirty air filters are the major reason why your furnace is blowing cold air. As filters age, they lose their capability of stopping dirt from invading your furnace. Resultantly, the air in your house always feels dusty and cold.

If your air filters are not that old, the solution to the above problem is extensive cleaning. However, if your filters have reached the replacement age, do the deed before they take your furnace to its deathbed.

3. Never Postpone Furnace Repairs

This point is closely related to point #1 but it is not the same. In this case, we want to specifically emphasize the importance of timely furnace repair. You must have heard that a stitch in time saves nine. If you let a small problem pass unattended with the thought that it is not worth your attention, the result will be increased costs in the future.

Hence, you should never wait for tomorrow to fix a problem with your furnace as tomorrow may never come.

4. Ensure Your House Is Adequately Insulated

Ensuring that your house is well insulated will not only reduce the burden on your furnace and the extra energy used to keep your house warm but also result in a drastic decline in your utility bills. Well, this is not rocket science. You know that if your house does not lose heat to the external environment, you won’t have to keep your furnace running on high at all times.

5. Install A Programmable Thermostat

You turned on your furnace too high early in the morning and forgot to turn it down before leaving for work. The result: your furnace overworks itself for more than eight hours unnecessarily. If this scenario occurs frequently in your house, you should prepare to say your goodbye to your furnace earlier than you think. Overusing a furnace only depreciates it faster.

So what is the solution? In our opinion, investing in a programmable thermostat is a great solution. Some of you might regard the latter as an unnecessary investment but let us do the math here. Usually, a furnace lasts for about 15 years.

However, if you invest in a programmable thermostat that diligently regulates the temperature of your house and automatically turns the heat down based on a preset schedule, the burden on your furnace falls dramatically. In the end, this furnace will surpass the standard 15 years and last for up to a whopping 30 years.

Let Nor Can Heating Handle Your Furnace

Nor Can Heating provides premium quality installation, repair, and maintenance for every component of your HVAC system, including furnaces. Contact us to learn more.


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